Greetings on another blustery July afternoon ! A little earlier than usual please find a bumper attachment of Pews News for the following weeks; July 30th, August 6th and August 13th. Thanks to Christine who will be leading services while…
Thoughts from The Vicarage with Creation Care, Butterflies and a question Greetings! Please find Pews News attached with dates, readings and prayer suggestions. Thank you to those who have been in touch with regards to confirmation (November 29th 6.30pm) and…
Thoughts from The Vicarage with hedgehogs, confirmation and butterflies Greetings as Wimbledon finals, Garstonbury, the end of term & the 6th Sunday after Trinity all approach (no order of importance inferred here!) Please find Pews News attached with some dates,…
Thoughts from The Vicarage with Confirmation, a road trip and a Bishop Greetings towards the end of a full week here at The Vicarage. This week’s news from both home and abroad features many issues for prayer. As always, I’m…