Thoughts from The Vicarage with Candlemas, snowdrops and Taizé Greetings as the bird song outside my study window brightens up a damp day! Please find attached Pews News for this Sunday which is the feast of Candlemas – it’s being…
Thoughts from The Vicarage with Youth Choir and Come and See Greetings dear friends and please find attached Pews News. Services for the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany will be held in Lambourn 8am BCP & 11.00 All Together Eucharist and…
Thoughts from The Vicarage with Pews News, singing and more Greetings, dear friends and please find attached Pews News with services for Sunday. Welcome to our French connections as well! Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by…
Thoughts from The Vicarage with singing, school and Epiphany Greetings and Happy New Year! Please find attached Pews News (there are always copies in our churches) This Sunday is Epiphany. The Epiphany season continues the theme of Christmas, that God…
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