The Interregnum – 2018

During the interregnum, our services will be held at the normal times. We are very lucky that the Venerable Christine Allsopp will officiate at most, although occasionally we will have a visiting celebrant.

Martin Cawte’s retirement date is the end of October and then the wheels can officially start turning to appoint a new Vicar. The Wardens from the three parishes have already met with Archdeacon Olivia who will be steering the process on behalf of Bishop Andrew. The PCCs of all three parishes have also met to start drawing up the Benefice Profile which will describe our parishes and set forth our Mission statement and our Vision for the future. We will do our best to seek your views and input to this important document.

On 6th December at 7.30pm in Eastbury church there will be what is termed as a Section 11 meeting to appoint the representatives from the three parishes who will be involved in approving the Profile, short-listing candidates for interview and appointing the new Vicar. Since Christ Church is a joint Patron of the Benefice, the other Patron being the Bishop of Oxford, they will also be represented in the process.

The Section 12 meeting for these representatives to present the Profile to Archdeacon Olivia is scheduled for 8th January. Advertising the post in the Church Times will be in the issues of 25th January and 1st February with closing date for applications on 15th February. Shortlisting is planned for 18th February with interviews taking place on 28th February.

If all goes well we could have a new Vicar by the middle of next year.

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