Thoughts from The Vicarage with Lent, Taizé Prayer and Ashes
Greetings and thank you to those who have been in touch this week. Please find attached Pews News.
A full week coming up as Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which, yes I know is another special day for some! We have two memorial services being held for Stella Buckland and Andrew Jones ‘Scobie’ along with a wonderful wedding on Saturday week when Norman and Sarah will be wed! All details on Pews News attached.
I’ve been asked a few questions about Lent. Here are some thoughts. Lent is a chance to:
- reflect on our lives, our values, our priorities,
- think more about God: pray more and read more and think more and give more time to God,
- rediscover something of the freshness and exhilaration of faith, to strip away some of the things which come between us and God and get back to the core of what we believe by rediscovering our need of God
- prepare ourselves for the trauma and triumph of Holy Week, to make sure that we are ready to journey with Jesus as he comes to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and is greeted with cries of “Hosanna.”
There are as many different ways of keeping Lent as there are people reading this letter. Why not have a chat with a friend and share your thoughts!
However you decide to keep Lent it’s important to make a good start by coming along to the 7.30 service at St Michael’s. And if you are unable to do that why not come along this Sunday evening to St James in Eastbury for a quiet contemplative service when we will be using simple Taizé chants to sing and upon which to reflect. There will be an opportunity for the lighting of candles as we each make our more personal prayers.
There will be Lenten discussion groups beginning at 2pm on February 20th at Christine’s home. Based upon the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2024 – Tarry Awhile (£9.99) with smaller (£2.50) daily reflection booklets. If you’d like a £2.50 booklet I have them in stock at the Vicarage – simply ask and I will reserve one. If you’d like to buy the book – please do so independently. The book has six chapter headings matching the booklet themes.
If you’d prefer to reflect in a different way, Bishop Stephen’s Come and See journey for 2024 begins on Ash Wednesday, 14 February. There’s still time to join up! Postcards in church. Wondering whether it’s for you? Find out more. You get to watch a weekly video of Bishop Steven as well as receiving a daily email as a way of helping you day by day through Lent. If you sign up you’re welcome to let me know so then we can work out a way of supporting each other and having some good conversations about what we are hearing and finding?
Looking further ahead:
- March 1st World Day of Prayer from the women of Palestine – St Michael’s & All Angels
- March 29th Good Friday walk of witness and Faure Requiem – St Michael’s & All Angels
- March 31st Easter Day
- August 17–25 trip to Taizé in France this summer led by Bishop Olivia (financial help available)
Please do be in touch with Bishop Olivia if you have any questions – you can email her at or explore here … 2024 Pilgrimage to Taizé – Diocese of Oxford (
Thank you to those who’ve been in touch about taking up new things or letting go! It gives me great joy to hear people speak of how God is at work in their lives and a desire to support our Valley churches – I’m truly thankful! It’s not too late to look around and think about what you want to do and how to rebalance things. In particular, if there is anything you have sometimes thought you would like to get involved with do speak to Julie or Christine to find out more. .
And finally:
Father of mercies,
grant to Charles our King and all diagnosed and being treated for cancer,
comfort and sure confidence in you,
and keep them each in perpetual peace and safety,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
God bless