Good afternoon dear Friends of The Valley on this sunny, but chilly morning.
And how lovely to hear of a number of you off out and about, visiting relatives and looking forward to shared meals and drinks – wrap up warm though! The relaxation of restrictions seems to be spreading cheer as is the sunshine along with news of more vaccinations. For some, it may feel a bit overwhelming. However you’re feeling be gentle with yourself and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need anything.
Our thoughts and prayers for Her Majesty
And of course, our thoughts and prayers turn to Her Majesty The Queen and her family as the funeral of HRH Prince Philip takes place tomorrow. The flags in the Valley will fly at half mast until Sunday morning as a mark of respect. The bells will be tolled but with only one bell allowed this will be a single toll as opposed to the 4 half muffled that we had hoped for. Thank you to all those who have contributed to ringing in the Valley at this time of national mourning.
For those who were unable to be present in St Michael & All Angels on April 11th but would like to show their respect, there is a short, eight minute reflection upon the death of The Duke of Edinburgh from our Cathedral. I commend it to you for remembering Prince Philip, giving thanks for his faithfulness to duty and his commitment to this nation along with prayers especially for Queen Elizabeth and her family. It is led by the sub Dean of our Cathedral in Oxford.
Looking ahead …
Unless there is a great change in local infection rates there will be services continuing the season of Easter during April as follows;
April 18th:
- 8am BCP Holy Communion St Michael & All Angels
- 9.30 Family Communion St James the Greater
- 11.00 All Together Eucharist St Michael & All Angels
April 25th
- 9.00am Holy Communion All Saints
- 10.30am Eucharist St Michael & All Angels
And finally …
Just in case there hasn’t been enough about sunflowers – it appears that there is a Sunflower competition taking place culminating in the Lambourn Carnival weekend over the Bank Holiday.
I’m not sure if all the villages are having such a thing but it matters not! Why not ‘Share the joy of Easter’ with a beautiful sunflower for all to see! Although the packets have all gone via the churches and school – there still free seeds available from The Vicarage! Just call by or ring and ask for a few!
With joyful Easter greetings