Thoughts from The Vicarage 237

Thoughts from The Vicarage with 80th Anniversary of D-Day, nature and a walk

Greetings on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day on a day that apparently reflects the meteorological conditions of 80 years ago. There will be a short service of Remembrance and thanksgiving at 6pm in St Michael’s Lambourn this evening followed by the ringing of bells and then all are invited to join the Tribute, the Lighting of The Beacon and fireworks. Thanks to Nikki Henderson and the Lambourn Parish Council.

Further precise location information may be found Lambourn Parish Council – West Berkshire, England (

St Michael’s is open all day as usual for and the signing of the remembrance book which will remain in church until next Thursday. The Reception class from Lambourn CE Primary school have spent this morning in St Michael’s and have signed the book of Remembrance as they learned more of Jesus who helped his friends catch more fish, sang songs and made their own fishes ready for their paper boats. Oh and yes, there were Jammie Dodgers and a drink! Thank you to helper Stefan this week for preparing it all!

Count on Nature week begins on Saturday June 8th – June 16th . We are fortunate in having two venues who are hoping you’d like to join in!  Everyone is invited to help us count what is living in the of St Michael’s churchyard. Join us at any time, no booking required. Recording sheets and wildlife guides will be provided.  Similarly in St James churchyard, count on nature week St. James event is on all week with a pop up coffee morning on Saturday 15th. Children are especially welcome on Saturday 15th at both churchyards – please bring an adult with you!

If you’ld fancy a walk in the company of others a reminder that the next Lambourn Wellbeing Walk will be Monday June 10th – meet at St Michael’s church 11.30 with a gathering for a drink and refreshments following the walk.

Looking ahead to the General Election we are all thinking and praying about how we will cast our vote on July 4th.
Pray Your Part is an invitation from the bishops of the Church of England to encourage prayer and participation in the life of our nation and communities, both as voters and as citizens.
This 21-day journey of prayer and reflection is designed for use in the run-up to the UK General Election. Each day explores a different theme, with a short Bible reading, reflection and prayer for a different aspect of our common life.
You can access free digital versions of this reflection journey and find out how you can get involved in PrayYourPart at
Alternatively I have 10 copies but they are going like hot cakes – simply pop me an email if you’d like to reserve one!

And finally, as we say farewell to Bruce and Eileen Laurie. Bruce has held the office of Churchwarden for about a quarter of a century and I am hoping that we will be able to present them with a gift to mark their time here. Please share this with others so that all who wish may be included. If you wish to donate to such a gift please pass it to the Treasurer Ian Courtney, place it in an envelope and give it to myself or pay directly via direct debit with BL gift reference.
Account name: PCC Lambourn
Sort Code 60-11-28
Account number 79238394

And very finally a prayer from Canon Gerald Osborne that seems especially apt today and for the week to come.

Lord Jesus,
We thank you that you want continually to bless us,
To make your face to shine upon us,
To turn toward us and give us peace.
We pray now for your blessing,
Your chance in all we ask,
That we may bless you by being your faithful servants,
Bringing your blessing to all whom we meet, and the communities we serve.

God bless


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