Thoughts from The Vicarage 254

Thoughts from The Vicarage with thanks, Pews News and the fire station

Greetings on this slightly damp Wednesday afternoon, a day earlier than usual with Pews News attached and a few Thoughts below!

World Mental Health Day was certainly highlighted in all sorts of ways, not least on social media last week. At the risk of repetition, please don’t suffer in silence, reach out, talk to someone you trust and remember it is a sign of strength to ask for help …. not a weakness. If you’d like a copy of Rachel’s attachment of last week please do ask. Let’s pray that together we can keep talking about these issues.

The Parishioners meeting of St Michael & All Angels unanimously voted for Ruth Honey to become Church warden following the retirement of Amanda, and Bruce’s move away from Lambourn. She was duly and suitably congratulated and there was lemon drizzle cake to celebrate with coffee after the service! We are all immensely thankful that Ruth felt called to hold office in this way.

St James Harvest Festival was a great success – thank you to all for your generosity of gifts, of time baking bread, of dressing the church and to All Saints East Garston who shared their traditional Harvest Loaf.

All Saints Patronal Festival on Nov 3rd at 10.30 A post service meal at The Queens has been organised and if you are interested in attending please contact Paul Tame 07748 104840 for more information and to reserve a place. Places will, out of necessity, have to be limited but all are welcome!

Upcoming dates

  • Nov 2nd 3pm All Souls’ service ‘A Time to Remember-A Time to Give Thanks’ St Michael’s
  • Nov 3rd 10.30 All Saints Patronal Festival Preacher Revd Canon Peter Moger Sub Dean of Christchurch, Oxford.
  • Nov 9th 10.40 am East Garston Remembrance Service @ War Memorial
  • Nov 10th 10.45 Act of Remembrance & Service St Michael’s

A preview of extra Christmas events to celebrate the birth of Christ !

  • Dec 8th 4pm Christingle @ Eastbury
  • Dec 15th 6pm Carol Service @ East Garston followed by refreshments
  • Dec 17th 6.30pm Jingle & Mingle @Lambourn followed by refreshments
  • Dec 18th 6.30pm Carol singing for all followed by refreshments
  • Dec 20th 3pm Dress up Nativity @ Lambourn followed by refreshments
  • Dec 22nd 6pm Carol Service @ Lambourn
  • Dec 23rd 6.30 Carol singing for all followed by refreshments
  • Dec 24th 4pm Crib service @Eastbury
  • Dec 24th 4pm Christingle @ Lambourn
  • Dec 24th 11pm Midnight Mass @ Lambourn
  • Dec 25th 9am Christmas Day Communion @East Garston
  • Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day Communion @ Eastbury
  • Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day Communion @Lambourn

It could be you … there’s been a lot of talk about our gifts that we can use – the local fire station has asked me to share this … Lambourn Fire Station – has a shortage of volunteers which at the moment means that our main engine can’t be operated. We get on average, over one callout a week using the smaller vehicles. Volunteers need to live close to the station and be a minimum of 17 ¾ to allow for 3 months training and obviously physically fit. Women and men are equally welcomed.
If you’d like to put something back into the community to give it a go!

Finally, a prayer ….

Each morning and each evening, let the peace of the Father, be ours.
Each day and each night, let the peace of the Son be ours.
Each dawn and each dusk, let the peace of the Spirit be ours.
Let the blessing of the three in one be ours; both now and for ever. Amen.

God bless,

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