Thoughts from The Vicarage 245

Thoughts from The Vicarage with Pews News, Lambourn Angels and thanks

Greetings on this beautiful Friday afternoon as Lambourn looks forward to the Flower Show tomorrow, Saturday, at which the Lambourn Angels choir will be entertaining visitors with their angelic voices – please support our very newest and youngest choir and feel free to join in as well!

Thank you to the Revd Liz Jackson for her two visits to the Lambourn Valley whilst we were on leave. Your visits were much appreciated! Thanks also to all those who led and supported the sung Evensong at 6pm in All Saints and to Ven Christine for taking the helm last Sunday and for being available to those in need.

Worship can be thought of as the heartbeat or engine room of the Church and its shop window, but how do we worship God together most authentically? Why is it that we worship today in the ways we do? Have you ever thought about reading the lesson, leading intercessions, leading a children’s event, leading a service in any of our churches? Maybe you are curious & would you like to find out and learn a bit more about worship and all it entails? The local lay worship course is for you. The dates are all Wednesdays at The Vicarage, 7.00 -8.30 on September 4, 11, 18, 25 October 2, 9. Please begin to think and pray about this – have a chat with me if you are wondering.

Important dates and events Please pop them into your dairy and support the activities of the Lambourn Valley Benefice. Any query simply ask.

  • Sat August 17th 2.30 Lambourn Angels singing at the Village Flower Show @ Sports Club
  • Saturday September 14th Ride & Stride event for each Parish and Gift Day at St James
  • Saturday September 21st 9.30 – 1.30 Benefice away day at The Village Hall East Garston
  • Sunday 29th September 10.30 St Michael & All Angels Patronal Festival
  • Sunday 3rd November 10.30 All Saints Patronal Festival with the Sub Dean of Christchurch, the Revd Canon Peter Moger preaching.

Finally, I bring Christian greetings from sisters and brothers from the church of St Michael’s, l’eglise St Michel in Esperaza in the Aude region of France. Conversation flowed following their service of the word. There was no priest available to lead a Catholic Mass, but the relatively small congregation were keen to learn more about our churches and will be praying for us as we will pray for them. They also added the names of our most recently bereaved to their list for prayer. As ever it was so encouraging to share our faith across cultures within the Body of Christ.

Very finally a prayer …
In the face of challenge, confusion, or conflict,
Lord, keep our focus upon you and your kingdom, upon the justice, mercy and peace you desire for us and for the world.
Keep us from taking a stand merely to protect what we know and like; use us to reveal your love. Amen

God bless,


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