Thoughts from The Vicarage with Christingle, help and prayer
Greetings! Please find dates, thoughts and a short prayer below with Pews News attached for Sunday. This Sunday is the Advent 2 when the church continues a time of readying and preparation, as we focus our hearts and lives for a joyful birth and a closer walk with God. Have you tried Morning Prayer or reading Luke I wonder – if so please do let me know.
Christingle season is here 4pm in St James Eastbury on Sunday and at 4pm on Christmas Eve in St Michael’s Lambourn. Help please! Calling all who can turn their hands or children to making Christingles! On Sunday 22nd after church we will be making the large number of Christingles needed for the Lambourn Christingle service. We will do this over a festive glass of something – all are welcome the more the merrier. We will begin at about 11.45.
Refreshments – help please! There’s a number of special events coming up and if you are able to help out with refreshments at any of these please sign up on sheet in St Michael’s.
Last Sunday I spoke of prayer as being – the engine room of the church. Please do leave your prayers on the prayer table in St Michael’s, take a holding cross and know that your prayer will be made at Morning Prayer. Of course George Herbert wrote much more powerfully in his poem speaking of prayer being the ‘soul in paraphrase’ because when we pray we put into words the often deep and complex emotions surging through our soul; and prayer is the ‘heart in pilgrimage’ because it is part of man’s journey towards God, an ongoing process of living as a Christian.
Upcoming December dates – please do share widely ….
- Dec 8th 4pm Christingle @ Eastbury
- Dec 15th 6pm Carol Service @ East Garston with mulled wine and nibbles at the home of Karen & Jon Hack, Manor Farm. Contributions to the Tower Fund welcomed
- Dec 17th 6.30pm Jingle & Mingle @ Lambourn with refreshments
- Dec 18th 6.30pm @The Vicarage Carol singing with refreshments
- Dec 20th 3pm Dress up Nativity @ Lambourn refreshments
- Dec 22nd 6pm Carol Service @ Lambourn
- Dec 24th 4pm Crib service @ Eastbury
- Dec 24th 4pm Christingle @ Lambourn
- Dec 24th 11pm Midnight Mass @ Lambourn
- Dec 25th 9am Christmas Day Communion @ East Garston
- Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day Communion @ Eastbury
- Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day Communion @ Lambourn
And finally a prayer of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906-1945:
God of the day and of the night,
in me there is darkness, but with you there is light.
I am alone, but you will not leave me.
I am weak, but you will come to my help.
I am restless, but you are my peace.
I am in haste, but you are the God of infinite patience.
I am confused and lost, but you are eternal wisdom and you direct my path; now and for ever.
God bless,