Thoughts from The Vicarage with Holy Communion, Jingle & Mingle & prayer
Please find dates, thoughts and a short prayer below with Pews News attached for Sunday. For many, receiving Holy Communion is an important part of our Christian life, and lies at the heart of our worship. If you, or someone you know, is unable to make it to church before Christmas Day, and would value making their Christmas communion in the days leading up to our celebrations of the Saviour’s birth, perhaps they could get in touch with me directly so we can arrange it.
All Saints East Garston will be holding a Carol Service at 6pm – and all, and I mean all, are welcome. Refreshments will follow courtesy of the Hack family. Please give generously in Aid of the Tower fund so that we are all able to continue worshipping God in All Saints!
The Christingle service in Eastbury was a joyful occasion with bejewelled oranges shimmering in the candlelight. If you missed that service all are welcome at 4pm on Christmas Eve in St Michael’s Lambourn. Please do remind friends and neighbours of the date. For many it’s a real family affair and a super start to Christmas!
Talking of which – Help please! Calling all who can turn their hands or children to making Christingles! On Sunday 22nd after church we will be making the large number of Christingles needed for the Lambourn Christingle service. We will do this over a festive glass of something – all are welcome the more the merrier. We will begin promptly at about 11.45 – once again all are welcome Make it a family outing – it’s going to be good fun!
Upcoming December dates
- Dec 15th 6pm Carol Service @ East Garston with mulled wine and nibbles at the home of Karen & Jon Hack, Manor Farm. Contributions to the Tower Fund welcomed
- Dec 17th 6.30pm Jingle & Mingle @ Lambourn with refreshments
- Dec 18th 6.30pm @ The Vicarage Carol singing with refreshments
- Dec 20th 3pm Dress up Nativity @ Lambourn refreshments
- Dec 22nd 6pm Carol Service @ Lambourn
- Dec 24th 4pm Crib service @ Eastbury
- Dec 24th 4pm Christingle @ Lambourn
- Dec 24th 11pm Midnight Mass @ Lambourn
- Dec 25th 9am Christmas Day Communion @ East Garston
- Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day Communion @ Eastbury
- Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day Communion @Lambourn
At this time, In a world touched by violence, loss and fear, and in a Church battered by shame and failure, Advent is a time of prayer, of waiting and reflecting upon the paradoxical glory to come. The child born in poverty, weak and homeless is birthed as the one who also comes in power and majesty to restore all things in love. He, fully human, fully divine offers boundless hope and love to this world, to our lives and to communities
And finally a prayer:
O God our Heavenly Father, give us a vision of our world as your love would make it:
A world where the weak are protected and none go hungry or poor;
A world where the benefits of civilised life are shared, and everyone can enjoy them;
A world where different races, nations and cultures live in tolerance and mutual respect;
A world where peace is built with justice, and justice is guided by love;
And give us the inspiration and courage to build it, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
St Martin-in-the-Field’s prayer for the world.
God bless,