Thoughts from The Vicarage with Carol service, Christingles, Midnight & Christmas
Greetings! with only 6 sleeps to go! Never fear, here you have gathered up all the events going on from now until Christmas and to beyond!
Carol service, Christingles, Crib, Midnight and Christmas.
As a reminder, we have a Carol service at 6pm in St Michael’s on Sunday 22nd, a Christingle Service on Tuesday 24th at 4pm in St Michael’s. We will be making the Christingles after this Sunday’s service beginning at 11.45. Please do come along to help if you can. Don’t worry if you’ve never made a Christingle before, instructions will also be provided, with the meaning explained on 24th . Also on Christmas Eve there is a Crib Service at St James church Eastbury at 4pm all are welcome! December 24th Midnight Mass for the Valley will be at 11pm in St Michael’s Lambourn which brings us, excitedly, to Christmas Day itself !
Joyful Christmas Day Eucharists @ East Garston 9.00, at St James 10.30 and at St Michael’s 10.30.
Sunday 29th there is one service in the parish at St Michael’s Lambourn at 10.30
All of the service details can be found attached on Pews News and here is a recap … Christmas dates:
- Dec 20th 3pm Dress up Nativity @ Lambourn
- Dec 22nd 9am Holy Communion @ East Garston
- Dec 22nd Sung Eucharist @ Lambourn
- Dec 22nd 6pm Carol Service @ Lambourn
- Dec 24th 4pm Crib service @ Eastbury
- Dec 24th 4pm Christingle @ Lambourn
- Dec 24th 11pm Midnight Mass @ Lambourn
- Dec 25th 9am Christmas Day Communion @ East Garston
- Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day Communion @ Eastbury
- Dec 25th 10.30 Christmas Day Communion @Lambourn
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May you know that in the excitement, in the longing, in the busyness, in the stillness, in the ordinary and in the extraordinary, God is there with us, this year and always.
And finally a prayer:
Son of Mary, Son of God, we have joined with the angels in worship, and rejoiced at the news of your birth.
Help us, with the shepherds, to proclaim the Christmas message in everything we do and think and say: for you are the meeting place of heaven and earth, our deepest hope and our true fulfilment.
May the obedience of Joseph and Mary, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, and the peace of the Christ-child be yours this Christmas.
God bless,