Greetings on a sunny Thursday afternoon. What a joy it is to see the sun after such a wet morning! Please find attached Pews News with everything you need for this third Sunday of the Epiphany season..
Exciting news – all are welcome!
Our Bishop-Designate Mary Gregory’s Service of Welcome is planned for Sunday 2nd March at 3pm in Reading Minster. Please save this date in your diaries as it will be an opportunity to meet and greet our new Bishop. It will be an open public service and all are welcome.
January 27th marks Holocaust Memorial Day and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ) are encouraging people to observe one day of prayer to dedicate space during the day to approach God in prayer to remember the victims of genocides around the world. At 8pm you are invited to place a lit candle in a window as an act of remembrance, honouring all those murdered for who they were.
And talking of anniversaries the 80th anniversary of VE Day May 8th will be remembered in the Valley. Details to follow.
This weekend is the Big RSPB garden birdwatch 24th – 26th January. It’s good fun and we’re going to be doing ours in the Vicarage garden – why not join in as we care for creation? Big Garden Birdwatch. It’s quite simple to take part:
Sign up and get your free guide now: Spend an hour watching the birds in your patch, between 24 and 26 January, and record the birds that land. And then let the RSPB know what you saw. You can submit your results online or by post.
Looking into February there will be a Taizé Service on February 9th at 6pm – all are welcome to join this quiet contemplative service with the lighting of candles in St James Eastbury.
And very finally a prayer….
We pray for peace and an end to all war and violence,
help us to see one another as you see us,
all your children, precious and beloved.
God bless,