Thoughts from The Vicarage 266

Thoughts from The Vicarage with Nunc Dimittis, VE Day and creation.

Greetings on this beautiful blue sky sunny afternoon. Thoughts are rather late today due to a kitchen flood just before Morning Prayer! But all is well and please find attached Pews News with everything you need for this coming Sunday when we celebrate the feast of Candlemas 40 days after Christmas. Jesus was presented in the Temple by Mary and Joseph. Simeon and Anna in their old age recognize him as their Lord and in thanksgiving Simeon utters the words we know as the Nunc Dimittis – you can find it at the top of Pews News this week.

All are welcome with candles and a procession with plenty for our young people to do as well – looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Exciting news Our Bishop-Designate Mary Gregory’s Service of Welcome is planned for Sunday 2nd March at 3pm in Reading Minster. Please save this date in your diaries as it will be an opportunity to meet and greet our new Bishop. It will be an open public service and all are welcome.

The 80th anniversary of VE Day May 8th will be remembered in the Valley. As their Chaplain, the British Legion have suggested we hold a service in St Michael’s. Plans are under way and it would be good to hear of any ideas or thoughts you may have regarding this anniversary commemoration.

Looking into February there will be a Taizé Service on February 9th at 6pm – all are welcome to join this quiet contemplative service with the lighting of candles in St James Eastbury.

Please don’t be put off with the word Theology!! An Environmental Theology study day with the Revd. Margot and Dr Martin Hodson is being held on Wednesday 26 February 2025, 10am – 4pm at Church House in Kidlington. I attended this day last year and found it extremely informative scientifically speaking, as well as in relation to faith matters. For all those interested in environmental concerns I highly recommend it. There will be an overview of climate science and environmental theology from experts. To know more please do contact me. The booking link:

Looking ahead to Lent with a heads up that we will be reflecting upon the Psalms related to the themes of Lent. There is a book that you may like to buy (but not essential) by Charlie Bell ‘Searched Me Out and Known Me’. There will be a list in each church to sign if you would like me to order a copy for you. I rather like that there is a psalm to focus on each week with Holy Week having a daily dose! Cover & blurb attached here.

And very finally a prayer…. Wednesday’s morning prayer’s psalm was 46. In the midst of challenges both within the Church of England and the world I found it gave great reassurance. At the end God speaks to the church; ‘Be still and know that I am God.’
The sense of the risen Christ praying with us for his Body the church was palpable. And so I share what’s called the psalm prayer which followed.

God of Jacob, when the earth shakes and the nations are in uproar, speak, and let the storm be still; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Every blessing,


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