Good morning and just a quick line to day to remind you … it’s half term and …
The Vicar is on Tour again today and tomorrow … with chairs and cushions, socially distanced …
If you’d like to come along for a chat, to share a thought or prayer it’ll be lovely to see you …
- East Garston Tuesday May 26th 2.30 – 3.30
- Eastbury Tuesday May 26th 3.30 ish – 4.30
- Lambourn Wednesday May 27th 2.30 – 3.30. I’ll be at the West end in the dappled shade.
Belinda church mouse is especially pleased to be joining me as she only has little legs and finds the journey all a bit much – no crumbs in church at the moment as our churches are still closed and she really misses the monthly Eastbury Coffee Pot event!
We miss being able to have our churches open, to join together in worship, to see everyone and especially to sing together. At the moment our hearts go out to all those who were planning weddings for this Summer as they are now having to postpone them to later dates. We are thinking of all those families who were looking forward to baptisms which are unable to happen due to the present restrictions.
In common with so many, those much anticipated celebrations, family get togethers for milestone anniversaries, not to mention birthdays are all on hold or at least muted. These times will pass and we will certainly keep you in touch with any changes in the restrictions related to our churches here in the Valley.
Despite the restrictions, the community spirit that’s been evident on our villages has been very special and to many a source of great encouragement in very difficult times so thank you one and all! I am privileged to have participated in the more public larger events and efforts and congratulate all those who have organised and engaged with others – thank you for your generosity of time, effort and spirit.
And then, there are the quiet, hidden yet equally special, often simple acts of kindnesses that have come to my attention … such generosity of spirit has been shared. We are indeed blessed and I, for one truly thankful. Maybe, as we dare to look a little further ahead, might we ponder as we tentatively take steps towards the new normal which parts of our ‘present’ normal do we wish to take with us?
‘Be kind’ has been so evident nationally, and for me John 13:34 says it all when Jesus gives his new commandment ‘Love one another as I have loved you’
Let me know what you think, meanwhile, God bless